떡국 [Tteokguk] Rice-Cake Soup

Hello Everyone!Today we will introduce another Korean traditional food, a 'Rice-cake soup' that's called 'Tteok-guk' (떡국).

It's a soup made with meat (chicken, beef, pork or seafood), thinly sliced rice cakes (Tteok) and other optional things, like eggs, spring onions, gim and others.

When people eat Tteok-guk on the lunar new year's day, they become one year older (which they are supposed to anyway). Therefore, some people don't like to eat rice cake soup on new year's day.

The tradition says that eating this on the new years day make us live 1 year longer, as well as, having good luck.

Sometimes we use "How many bowls of Tteokguk have you eaten?" to ask a person's age. That's so unique, right? ^.^

Traditionally in the morning of the New Year, entire family gather together to eat tteok-guk, a sliced rice cake soup.

Tradition dictates that new year's resolutions are within the tteok-guk and when one eat that tteok-guk, one is wishing New Year's wishes.

Long time ago, when rice was rare, Tteokguk could be only eaten on special holidays such as Seol-nal (the first day of a lunar new year). However, now it is not the case anymore.

The rice cake (Tteok) traditionally used for Tteokguk is called Garettok, long cylindrical shaped Garettok symbolizes luck and good health and long life.

And you don't have to eat it only on New Years Day. Any day is fine! ^^

The common ingredients are on the following picture:




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